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As part of the ethos of our Primary School, we have a Well-Being Team to support the children and families of South Avenue. This team will focus on ensuring the child’s holistic needs are met.  The team will work closely with parents and families to achieve this.

The Well-Being team meet regularly to review and plan interventions.  As a school we support the children using the THRIVE approach and are proud to have 2 fully qualified THRIVE practitioners supporting the children. THRIVE is a programme of support to develop emotional resilience and prevent mental health problems in primary schools.

In addition, we liaise with external agencies where they may be better placed to support the children.

If you, as a parent, have any concerns please bring these to the attention of the Class Teacher who will pass this on to a member of the Well-Being team.

Kent Family Service

Kent Family Find ways to support your child’s development and to help them be happy and healthy. Kent Baby 0 to 5 Supporting you and your baby before and after birth right up until your child starts school Kent Baby Kent Child 5 to 11 Find ways to support your child’s development, and keep them healthy.

Kent Family Service


Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team

South Avenue Primary School are proud to be linked with the Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team. This service is not available to all schools and can provide support around children's behaviour and children's anxiety as well as subject specific information around neurodiversity. Sessions are provided in a number of ways; group and 1:1, face to face and online.

Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team


Parenting Tips & Tricks - Families Under Pressure
A guide with simple tips and tricks for parents on dealing with challenging behaviour and negative emotions, developed by researchers & NHS mental health experts.