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Free School Meals

Free meals are available to those who qualify. You can obtain further information from the school office, or from the East Kent Area Education Office, Awards Section 03000 415123. All enquiries are treated in confidence.

Alternatively you can check your eligibility by clicking here

From September 2014 all children in year R, 1 and 2 are eligible to receive a free hot meal at lunchtime.  This change will not affect any family currently receiving free school meals. 

The eligibility formally known as Free School Meals has now changed its name to Pupil Premium. This additional funding is given to us by the Government to provide additional provision and resources and so we would like to encourage ALL our current parents to apply for it to see if they are eligible. Education funding as a whole has been cut back and so this additional funding makes a real difference to the extra provision we can fund in school.

We will be asking ALL new parents to fill out an application form and hand back to the school for us to process. Any queries please speak to a member of staff in the School Office.