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Language of the Term

Here at South Avenue we are lucky enough to have a number of pupils who speak a second and in some cases third language. We would love to celebrate the fabulous diversity of our school community we will be introducing a new initiative called Language of the Term.

A new language is introduced to the whole school every term. The whole school will be taught basics of the new language, such as greetings, numbers and colours. To extend this we would love to include parents who speak the language in this work. Perhaps you have stories or books in the termly language that you could share with us. Maybe you could teach us popular playground games that children play in your native country or songs that families love to share. This could be via seesaw or via your child’s teacher.

In order to establish this effectively we would like to audit the spoken languages of our school. Please complete the slip below and indicate if you would be happy to participate with Language of the Term.

You as parents are the strongest resource we have approaching this exciting initiative, so any help you can offer would be gratefully received. The benefits of making sure our children feel that their cultures are recognised, respected and valuable are immeasurable.