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At South Avenue Primary School our PSHE curriculum ensures our children are provided with the components they need to LEARN through understanding our values of: listen, encourage, ambitious, resilience, respectful and nurture. Our intent is to ensure that our school is a community that is inclusive where all children are able to:

  • Achieve their best
  • Have ambitions and determination
  • Be confident in themselves
  • Have positive values and beliefs
  • Understanding the importance of community
  • Having caring and kind attitude towards others.
  • Develop fundamental skills such as organisation and leadership.

PSHE is a fundamental part of the curriculum that helps to equip children with the knowledge, skills and strategies to help them to live a safe and responsible life.


Here at South Avenue, we follow the PIXl PSHE Programme of study and have tailored it to suit our school community, linking it with our school values and ethos.  We follow PiXL’s five themes: Leadership; Organisation; Resilience; Initiative; Communication. Each year group from Years 1- 6 cover each theme every year providing the children with an opportunity to revisit themes, enabling them to extend their thinking, expand their knowledge and develop skills. The aims of the lessons are to ensure that links are drawn between previous and current learning, helping them to build and develop on these fundamental skills ready for lifelong learning.

Within our weekly timetable, there is one taught session of PSHE every week in all year groups. During PSHE sessions children are encouraged consider asking and answering questions that can help deepen their knowledge and understanding. We also encourage the children to think about others opinions and views, encouraging the children to be accepting of all.

PSHE learning doesn’t just happen through dedicated PSHE sessions at South Avenue. Where possible we make cross-curricula links between PSHE and other subjects such as English, RE, PE and science. We also cover many themes linking with our PSHE curriculum within our weekly assemblies.


In EYFS, Personal, Social and Emotional development is a statutory requirement and is recognised as being a core area to help the children’s future learning and development. In Reception, activities, opportunities and experiences  are carefully planned to enable children to work towards the early learning goals in Personal, Social and Emotional Development. 


Due to the nature of PSHE lessons, monitoring and assessment is an ongoing process. Much of the impact is demonstrated outside of PSHE lessons and can be seen in the children demonstrating what they have learnt being safe, kind, prepared and responsible individuals that follow and understand our School’s three rules.

One way in which we aim to measure the impact of learning is by seeing it through the children, with how they behave and treat others and also their growing understanding of the world around them.

We are also starting to introduce topic-based vocabulary assessments in the form of multiple-choice questions, this is to ensure the pupils understanding of the key terminology included in their topic.