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At South Avenue Primary School, we believe that Music is a vital and integral part of children’s education, and it encompasses the highest forms of expression and creativity.

We have designed our Music Curriculum with the intent that each child becomes an ambitious, encouraging and resilient young person who has a passion for learning and achieving. To support the teaching and learning of Music, and is consistent across South Avenue, we use the programme Charanga. The curriculum is designed to: fulfil the National Curriculum, provide a broad and balanced curriculum which ensures the progressive development of skills and knowledge in Music. This is achieved by recognising the children’s prior learning, allow the children to express their individual creativity through observing, listening, appraising, recording, and performing, whilst developing competency in listening to Music and creating Music in a variety of ways such as using instruments, their own bodies and voice, develop self-reflection skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers in a meaningful way. Additionally, we believe it enables pupils to develop curiosity, exploration, and reflection skills whilst linking strongly with our school values and to develop life-long skills such as experimenting and exploring, practicing, perseverance, resilience and evaluating whilst gaining a sense of pride. The focus is on developing proficiency in various techniques and processes, and to develop an awareness of the auditory process of listening and creating Music, physically creating Music and performance elements whilst fostering enjoyment and appreciation of the Music and listening to significant artists across Music from various eras.

Every child is recognised as a unique individual and we celebrate and welcome these similarities or differences. There is no right or wrong in Music, but an opportunity for children to express themselves in a variety of ways without limitations. Children’s demonstrations of Music are valued, discussed and displayed through performances, celebrations and recordings both in school and within the wider community. We believe that all children are creative and that it is essential to foster this to become expressive, cohesive and successful adults to take opportunities to extend their horizons in their futures.


At South Avenue, these aims are embedded across the whole school through a progressive curriculum, through Charanga, which ensures a high standard of teaching and learning in Music are implemented. Music is taught as part of termly topics, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. We ensure that Music links to real life and creates cross-curricular links, guided by the children’s interests and variety of teaching approaches based on the teacher’s judgement. Pupils present their ideas, explorations, and pieces within class time, performing to others, recorded, putting on class assemblies and end of year performances to celebrate the talented pupils we have at South Avenue.

We feel it is vital to take the views of the children and staff and improve the way Music is taught across South Avenue, so pupil voice and staff questionnaires are used to develop how Music is taught. We value these and use them to identify points of focus for staff CPD training to improve practice.

We provide a variety of opportunities for learning within Music to take place inside and outside of the classroom. Educational visits also include elements of Music, and teachers plan these for pupils to experience to further develop knowledge and understanding gained within the classroom.

We develop our relationships and provide opportunities for input from Fulston Manor and use their facilities, equipment and some staff have provided in house training. Additionally, Fulston Manor Music teachers support staff develop techniques, Music knowledge and strategies to enhance the teaching of Music.

Alongside our curriculum provision, we also provide all pupils with the opportunity to participate in after school clubs that include our Key Stage 2 choir.  Pupils are consulted termly about which clubs they would like to be offered. 


At South Avenue, our children develop skills, techniques and knowledge of a variety of artists within numerous fields, how to use and apply various techniques within Music and become a creative thinker throughout our curriculum, by using cross-curricular links.

Throughout their time with us, our children learn vital skills, knowledge, and understanding by continuously develop their creative thinking which is continuously changing, then developing to apply within their own creative applications. Children explore this through their Music lessons, enrichment opportunities, performances, class assemblies and many more ways. Our Music curriculum, and support of the Fulston Manor Music teachers, ensure topics are chosen well to enhance the children’s learning and enables our children to apply their creative across the curriculum.

Our children learn to become critical thinkers and applicators by continually reviewing themselves and others works. This becomes a continual cycle to enhance key skills and knowledge for our children to reach their full creative potential. Our curriculum supports our children to develop their values in line with our school values of; thinking creatively, working collaboratively, showing commitment and courage when challenging ourselves whilst learning about our local and global community.